Cereri de prejudiciu catastrofal

Cum Să Abordați Cererile de Despăgubire Pentru Vătămări Catastrofale

Vătămările catastrofale apar brusc și de obicei ca urmare a unui accident care provoacă daune fizice grave corpului. Aceste vătămări sunt permanente, iar o recuperare completă nu este întotdeauna posibilă, lăsând victima cu leziuni care îi schimbă viața și cu suferință emoțională. În plus, victimele se confruntă adesea cu facturi medicale costisitoare și pierderi de venituri din cauza vătămării, ceea …

Personal injury compensation guideline

Difference in Personal Injury Compensation Guidelines Between UK & Romania?

Personal injury claims refer to legal actions taken by an individual (the injured party or plaintiff) who has suffered physical or psychological harm as a result of someone’s or a company’s negligence, intentional malicious actions, or strict liability. Personal injury lawsuits are typically filed to seek compensation for the damages and losses sustained and can take place in different places …

Accidents At Work Claims

Accidents At Work Claims

In 2022, the UK saw an increase in non-fatal injuries to 656,000 cases compared to the previous year with 441,000. Part of the increase in numbers could be attributed to the pandemic due to the high levels of uncertainty that may have caused changes on how businesses operate, especially in labour-intensive environments such as warehouses where accidents at work are …

Cooperation Consultation Of Businesswoman And Male Lawyer

How To Approach Catastrophic Injury Claims

Catastrophic injuries occur suddenly and usually as a result of an accident  which causes serious physical damage to the body. These injuries are  permanent and  a full recovery is not always possible, leaving the victim with life changing injuries and emotional distress.  Additionally, victims often face expensive medical bills and lost income from their injury which has a significant impact …