Află de la avocatul expert în vătămări corporale și fondatorul Remus Robu Solicitors despre clienții pe care îi reprezintă, cazurile pe care le gestionează și expertiza necesară pentru a gestiona cazuri complexe de vătămare corporală. Cu o carieră de succes atât în Marea Britanie, cât și în România, și câștigător al unor premii pentru munca sa juridică, Remus Robu deține peste două decenii de experiență în domeniul său de …
Understanding Agricultural Accident Claims in UK Law
The agricultural industry has some of the highest rates of personal injury in the UK and those working in the sector will know that accidents often happen. If you or your loved one has been involved in an agricultural accident, it is important that you understand your rights and seek the expertise of a personal injury lawyer. At Remus Robu Solicitors, we are experienced professionals in handling agricultural accident claims and have a proven track record of successfully representing our Romanian clients with their personal injury claims. In this blog, we will explore the different types of agricultural accident claims and guide you on what to do if you have suffered a personal injury of this nature in the UK.
Avocat Roman in Londra: Hiring a Solicitor That Speaks Your Language
Suffering a personal injury in the UK can be a very stressful experience, and navigating the legal process that follows can be even more daunting. For Romanians living in the UK, language barriers present a significant obstacle in the process. By enlisting the services of a Romanian solicitor, you can ensure effective communication, cultural understanding, and maximise your chances of success in your personal injury claim.
Making a Road Traffic Accident Claim in London
What is a Road Accident Claim? A road traffic accident is defined as a collision involving a vehicle that causes injuries or damage to a person, animal or other property. In order to file for a road accident claim, the collision needs to take place on a road or in a public area. There are different types of collisions that …
Accidents At Work Claims
In 2022, the UK saw an increase in non-fatal injuries to 656,000 cases compared to the previous year with 441,000. Part of the increase in numbers could be attributed to the pandemic due to the high levels of uncertainty that may have caused changes on how businesses operate, especially in labour-intensive environments such as warehouses where accidents at work are …
BDC – The Perfect Location for a Solicitor in North London
As a designated Romanian personal injury lawyer in North London, UK, we wanted to situate our office in a place that best suited our business and our clients. After researching, we decided that North London was the best location for our personal injury law firm. Here is why we set up our offices in the Business Design Centre: Why Islington …
Process Of Using a Romanian Personal Injury Lawyer
The personal injury claim process can be confusing for any Romanian living in the UK. How to start a claim, what to expect during the process and understanding how a claim comes to an end are all helpful for making the process easier. As a Romanian speaking solicitor based in London, we have outlined how the personal injury process works …
Why Use A Romanian Speaking Solicitor
As a Romanian living in the UK, it can be difficult to know where to turn when you need legal advice. Having suffered a personal injury, at work, on the road or in public, as a foreign national it can be difficult to know the process behind making a claim. That is where contacting a Romanian speaking solicitor can help. …