La Remus Robu Solicitors, echipa noastră de avocați vorbitori de limba română este aici pentru a vă asigura că cazul dumneavoastră este gestionat într-o manieră clară și ușor de înțeles. Avem o istorie solidă în gestionarea unei game largi de cazuri de vătămări corporale în Marea Britanie și suntem specializați în cazurile de accidente de muncă. Când vă accidentați la …
The Most Dangerous Places to Work in the UK
Workplace safety is a critical issue across the UK. While fatal work injuries are rare and have been steadily reducing throughout the decade, these devastating accidents can and do still happen. Last year, 135 workers in the UK died in workplace accidents, which was, in fact, an increase from the previous year. As personal injury lawyers, we represent both clients …
A Guide to Construction Accident Claims
Working in the construction industry is a demanding and often dangerous job. Unfortunately, accidents can happen, leading to personal injuries that can leave you unable to work and in need of long-term medical treatment. If you have been injured on a construction site, it’s essential you enlist the services of a specialised personal injury lawyer who understands the complexities of construction accident claims
How To Approach An Injury At Work Claim
Here at Remus Robu, our team of Romanian speaking solicitors are here to ensure that your case is handled in a manner that is clear to you. We have a history of handling a wide range of personal injury cases in the UK and specialise in work accident cases. When you injure yourself at work, it can be difficult to …