La Remus Robu Solicitors, echipa noastră de avocați vorbitori de limba română este aici pentru a vă asigura că cazul dumneavoastră este gestionat într-o manieră clară și ușor de înțeles. Avem o istorie solidă în gestionarea unei game largi de cazuri de vătămări corporale în Marea Britanie și suntem specializați în cazurile de accidente de muncă. Când vă accidentați la …
Cererile de Despăgubiri pentru Accidente Rutiere în Londra
Ce este o cerere de despagubire pentru un accident rutier? Un accident rutier este definit ca o coliziune care implică un vehicul și care cauzează răni sau daune unei persoane, unui animal sau unei alte proprietăți. Pentru a depune o cerere de despagubire pentru un accident rutier, coliziunea trebuie să aibă loc pe o șosea sau într-o zonă publică. Există …
Avocat Roman in Londra: Hiring a Solicitor That Speaks Your Language
Suffering a personal injury in the UK can be a very stressful experience, and navigating the legal process that follows can be even more daunting. For Romanians living in the UK, language barriers present a significant obstacle in the process. By enlisting the services of a Romanian solicitor, you can ensure effective communication, cultural understanding, and maximise your chances of success in your personal injury claim.
Accidents Abroad Claims – How Do They Work?
Whether you are traveling abroad for a holiday or for work, the last thing you want to be involved in is an accident. Unfortunately, accidents can happen anywhere and the level of severity can differ based on the case. There is the option to take legal action if the accident was not your fault through a personal injury claim, which …
Process Of Using a Romanian Personal Injury Lawyer
The personal injury claim process can be confusing for any Romanian living in the UK. How to start a claim, what to expect during the process and understanding how a claim comes to an end are all helpful for making the process easier. As a Romanian speaking solicitor based in London, we have outlined how the personal injury process works …
How To Approach An Injury At Work Claim
Here at Remus Robu, our team of Romanian speaking solicitors are here to ensure that your case is handled in a manner that is clear to you. We have a history of handling a wide range of personal injury cases in the UK and specialise in work accident cases. When you injure yourself at work, it can be difficult to …
Why Use A Romanian Speaking Solicitor
As a Romanian living in the UK, it can be difficult to know where to turn when you need legal advice. Having suffered a personal injury, at work, on the road or in public, as a foreign national it can be difficult to know the process behind making a claim. That is where contacting a Romanian speaking solicitor can help. …