alunecări, împiedicări și căderi

Despăgubire pentru alunecări, împiedicări și căzături

Alunecările, împiedicările și căzăturile pot părea accidente minore, dar consecințele lor pot fi de amploare. Înțelegerea drepturilor dumneavoastră și a procesului legal sunt esențiale atunci când solicitați despăgubiri pentru rănile suferite. Cu informațiile potrivite și un avocat calificat alături, puteți naviga cu încredere prin complexitatea acestor cazuri de vătămare corporală, asigurându-vă că primiți despăgubirile pe care le meritați pe deplin. …

An accident sign at one of the most dangerous places to work in the UK.

The Most Dangerous Places to Work in the UK

Workplace safety is a critical issue across the UK. While fatal work injuries are rare and have been steadily reducing throughout the decade, these devastating accidents can and do still happen. Last year, 135 workers in the UK died in workplace accidents, which was, in fact, an increase from the previous year. As personal injury lawyers, we represent both clients …

A car crash demonstrating the most most dangerous place to drive

London Revealed as The Most Dangerous Place to Drive

Road traffic accidents are extremely common in the UK, and the capital has now been revealed as the most dangerous place to drive.Through analysis of annual car crash data, we have found that London has the highest rate of car collisions per person in the country, underscoring the need for vigilance when driving in the capital. At Remus Robu Solicitors, …

Maria-Larisa Iancu, our expert paralegal.

Meet Maria-Larisa Iancu, our expert negotiator and dedicated paralegal

When it comes to personal injury law, being a shrewd negotiator is essential to ensuring the best outcome for our clients, so we would like to introduce one of our paralegals and top negotiators, Maria-Larisa. At Remus Robu Solicitors, excellence is not just a goal but a standard we uphold in every part of our practice. Maria-Larisa embodies this wholeheartedly, …

Stefana Popescu, paralegal at Remus Robu Solicitors

Meet Stefana Popescu, our highly skilled paralegal putting clients first 

Here at Remus Robu Solicitors, we have built a reputation as leading personal industry lawyers for Romanians living in the UK. Based in London, we have helped hundreds of Romanian citizens secure the compensation they deserve following an accident that wasn’t their fault. Our specialist legal expertise and unrivalled client support have ensured that throughout the years, we have remained …

Remus Robu Solicitors Founder

Remus Robu Featured on Romanian National TV

We are delighted to share that our Director and Founder, Remus Robu was recently featured on Romanian National TV as part of TVR Internaţional’s Prezențe românești. 

How Many Personal Injury Claims Go to Court?

If you have suffered a personal injury, going to court to fight your claim can feel like a daunting and stressful prospect. Particularly if English is not your first language. Many people may be put off altogether from pursuing their claim due to the potential of it ending up in a court case. But do not worry as most personal …