avocat pentru vătămări personale în Londra

Navigarea cererilor de despăgubire pentru vătămări corporale cu avocatul expert Remus Robu

Află de la avocatul expert în vătămări corporale și fondatorul Remus Robu Solicitors despre clienții pe care îi reprezintă, cazurile pe care le gestionează și expertiza necesară pentru a gestiona cazuri complexe de vătămare corporală. Cu o carieră de succes atât în Marea Britanie, cât și în România, și câștigător al unor premii pentru munca sa juridică, Remus Robu deține peste două decenii de experiență în domeniul său de …

alunecări, împiedicări și căderi

Despăgubire pentru alunecări, împiedicări și căzături

Alunecările, împiedicările și căzăturile pot părea accidente minore, dar consecințele lor pot fi de amploare. Înțelegerea drepturilor dumneavoastră și a procesului legal sunt esențiale atunci când solicitați despăgubiri pentru rănile suferite. Cu informațiile potrivite și un avocat calificat alături, puteți naviga cu încredere prin complexitatea acestor cazuri de vătămare corporală, asigurându-vă că primiți despăgubirile pe care le meritați pe deplin. …

An accident sign at one of the most dangerous places to work in the UK.

The Most Dangerous Places to Work in the UK

Workplace safety is a critical issue across the UK. While fatal work injuries are rare and have been steadily reducing throughout the decade, these devastating accidents can and do still happen. Last year, 135 workers in the UK died in workplace accidents, which was, in fact, an increase from the previous year. As personal injury lawyers, we represent both clients …

A car crash demonstrating the most most dangerous place to drive

London Revealed as The Most Dangerous Place to Drive

Road traffic accidents are extremely common in the UK, and the capital has now been revealed as the most dangerous place to drive.Through analysis of annual car crash data, we have found that London has the highest rate of car collisions per person in the country, underscoring the need for vigilance when driving in the capital. At Remus Robu Solicitors, …

Remus Robu Solicitors Founder

Remus Robu Featured on Romanian National TV

We are delighted to share that our Director and Founder, Remus Robu was recently featured on Romanian National TV as part of TVR Internaţional’s Prezențe românești. 

How Many Personal Injury Claims Go to Court?

If you have suffered a personal injury, going to court to fight your claim can feel like a daunting and stressful prospect. Particularly if English is not your first language. Many people may be put off altogether from pursuing their claim due to the potential of it ending up in a court case. But do not worry as most personal …

A Christmas tree

Christmas Injuries to Look Out for this Festive Period

Christmas is a time to relax and enjoy the time spent with your loved ones but the pressure to have fun can lead to an increase of injuries around this time of year. More than 80,000 people are admitted to A&E for Christmas injuries. The increase in stress at christmas time can lead to some costly mistakes and cause your …

Sports Injury Claims

Navigating Sports Injury Claims in the UK

Many people take part in sports and whether they’re professional athletes or amateur players, accidents happen. The consequences can vary widely, from minor bruises to severe and life-changing conditions. If an accident occurs due to someone else’s negligence then it is important that the injured party makes a sports injury claim to get the compensation they are owed. 

A women cycling in the road

Cycling Accident Claims Guide – How Do I Make A Claim?

Cycling has become a popular and efficient way to commute, especially in bigger cities. It is also encouraged by employers and governments through various schemes and incentives. While cycling is a green method of transportation that has its health benefits, it can also be risky. Cyclists do not have the same protection as other road users do, therefore, when involved in an accident they can suffer severe injuries.