depunerea unei cereri pentru accident de muncă

Cum Să Abordezi O Cerere de Despăgubire Pentru Un Accident de Muncă

La Remus Robu Solicitors, echipa noastră de avocați vorbitori de limba română este aici pentru a vă asigura că cazul dumneavoastră este gestionat într-o manieră clară și ușor de înțeles. Avem o istorie solidă în gestionarea unei game largi de cazuri de vătămări corporale în Marea Britanie și suntem specializați în cazurile de accidente de muncă. Când vă accidentați la …

alunecări, împiedicări și căderi

Despăgubire pentru alunecări, împiedicări și căzături

Alunecările, împiedicările și căzăturile pot părea accidente minore, dar consecințele lor pot fi de amploare. Înțelegerea drepturilor dumneavoastră și a procesului legal sunt esențiale atunci când solicitați despăgubiri pentru rănile suferite. Cu informațiile potrivite și un avocat calificat alături, puteți naviga cu încredere prin complexitatea acestor cazuri de vătămare corporală, asigurându-vă că primiți despăgubirile pe care le meritați pe deplin. …

An accident sign at one of the most dangerous places to work in the UK.

The Most Dangerous Places to Work in the UK

Workplace safety is a critical issue across the UK. While fatal work injuries are rare and have been steadily reducing throughout the decade, these devastating accidents can and do still happen. Last year, 135 workers in the UK died in workplace accidents, which was, in fact, an increase from the previous year. As personal injury lawyers, we represent both clients …

Two factory workers

Compensation for Factory Accident Claims in the UK

While most factories in the UK adhere to strict safety standards, accidents can still occur. If your employer has failed in its duty of care in providing a safe working environment, and you have been injured as a result, you could be eligible for compensation.

A workplace accident slip, trip and fall claims

Compensation payout for slips, trips and falls in the UK

Slips, trips, and falls might seem like minor accidents, but their consequences can be far-reaching. Understanding your rights and the legal process is essential when seeking compensation for your injuries. With the right information and a skilled solicitor by your side, you can navigate the complexities of these personal injury claims with confidence, ensuring you receive compensation that you rightfully deserve.

Tractor in a field

Understanding Agricultural Accident Claims in UK Law

The agricultural industry has some of the highest rates of personal injury in the UK and those working in the sector will know that accidents often happen. If you or your loved one has been involved in an agricultural accident, it is important that you understand your rights and seek the expertise of a personal injury lawyer. At Remus Robu Solicitors, we are experienced professionals in handling agricultural accident claims and have a proven track record of successfully representing our Romanian clients with their personal injury claims. In this blog, we will explore the different types of agricultural accident claims and guide you on what to do if you have suffered a personal injury of this nature in the UK.  

A Guide to Construction Accident Claims

Working in the construction industry is a demanding and often dangerous job. Unfortunately, accidents can happen, leading to personal injuries that can leave you unable to work and in need of long-term medical treatment. If you have been injured on a construction site, it’s essential you enlist the services of a specialised personal injury lawyer who understands the complexities of construction accident claims

Personal Injury Claims Payout

Personal Injury Claims Payout – Traffic Accident

One of our traffic accident cases was recently featured in the Romanian News website Ziarul Românesc, for obtaining a significant personal injury claim payout. If you speak Romanian, you can find the Romanian article in the following link. Remus Robu, a Romanian speaking solicitor, aims to support Romanian compatriots with his expertise in the personal injury legal system. The Remus …

Personal injury compensation guideline

Difference in Personal Injury Compensation Guidelines Between UK & Romania?

Personal injury claims refer to legal actions taken by an individual (the injured party or plaintiff) who has suffered physical or psychological harm as a result of someone’s or a company’s negligence, intentional malicious actions, or strict liability. Personal injury lawsuits are typically filed to seek compensation for the damages and losses sustained and can take place in different places …